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Harvey Mushman
6 Feb 2024 7:03 am
94 posts

Concerning "how to fix a bridge," I imagine it would be a combined effort by the transportation and construction industries as roughly indicated by the SLP's Socialist Industrial Unionism chart: http://www.slp.org/pdf/statements/siu_chart.pdf  And, given that elected, rotated, recallable, and thus fully accountable managers would decide which bridges need repair, there'd be no need for the cumbersome process of each worker voting on which bridges need repair. Anecdotally, I once sat in on a meeting in Mayari, Cuba, where elected municipal officials and several local citizens discussed and voted on where the blacktop would be used after a few truckloads of blacktop were dumped. Not only did that experience demonstrate to me the highly democratic nature of Cuban society, but it also showed that even "workers voting on how to fix the bridge" can work on small-scale applications. 

And yes, socialist societies are more than capable of producing engineers. After all, its prodigious production of top-notch engineers was one of the reasons that the USSR transformed itself from a backward and typically uneducated society under the Czars to an industrial powerhouse that beat the US concerning the space race in less than fifty years. 

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